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Leadership Skills - Part 2

Cynthia Venkler

Leadership Skills - Part 2

Key #3 - keep your word / make good on your promises

  • Remember:  Actions speak louder than words.
  • In all cases, what you do will influence others to a greater degree than what you say.
  • Your team will draw strength from you as you act according to your word.  If you begin to waffle and waver, your staff will likewise begin to waver and lose confidence in your ability to lead.
  • Example:  A team leader asked the team to come help with an outdoor project on a weekend.  Several volunteers showed up to help and the leader who asked us to be there walked around with his hands in his pockets.  What do you think the response will be the next time that leader asks for help on the next weekend project?
  • Remember, people judge you on how you stick to your word, i.e. do you follow your own rules?
  • Example:  King David had united all of Israel, reestablished the kingdom in the land of promise and brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, making it the capital of Israel.  In this time of great success for the nation established by God, for God in righteousness as David has so clearly articulated and demonstrated in his leadership what did he do?  He became consumed with his power and took the wife of Uriah – didn’t think of asking God.  What happened to his leadership and organization after such a blatant departure on his part from the very ideals he purported to espouse?  The nation suffered; the son of this adultery died in judgment; his eldest son raped his half-sister; another son was killed after attempting to overthrow David’s rule; and yet another son tried to take the throne (with the help of David’s chief commander and high priest) before David legitimately passed it to Solomon.  All of this from the man after God’s own heart!  Let’s not become so confident that we lose sight of Who gave us the position and power to start with.

Key #4 - empower those you lead

  • Knowledge is power.  Understanding is power.  As you teach and train your team in their job function, discern their particular abilities and encourage them to step farther.
  • This may include suggesting a book or two for him to read.  Perhaps offering to buy her books if she enrolls in a college course that will further her skills, understanding or knowledge base.
  • The dividends you will reap may not be evident immediately, but you will be rewarded for your attempt to help others be all they can be.
  • Example:  A former teacher of mine offered to mentor me.  I met with both he and his wife every week.  They would give me a tape, CD or book to read or listen to before our next meeting.  If I didn’t do it, he would excuse me and get back to his other work – hence training me to respect his time and his leadership.  As I read and listened I began to feel a stirring within me.  Although they’ve long since moved away, their positive influence in my life is apparent every day.  In fact, this entire leadership series is a direct result of their excellent influence in my life.  All who are encouraged by these articles are a result of his choosing to empower just one person.


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